These three boys are brothers named Bunny, Goosey and Teeny. A co-worker, who knew I loved cats, informed me that someone had just thrown a box of kittens out of a moving truck in her husband's industrial park in freezing cold temps. Her husband took them in to the company he worked for and she asked if I was interested in rescuing one. There were 4 kittens, one girl and three boys. A co-worker of her husbands took the girl kitty so the three fellas remained. I went to visit them at the warehouse her husband worked in and they were frolicking around, happy and warm. I agonized over the fact that I would be taking one and leaving the other two with uncertain futures. I couldn't live with myself had I done that so I took all three home. It's been almost seven years and they are the light of my life and bring everyone they meet such joy.
Please submit photos and a little bio of your rescue animals to and we will select one special rescued animal to post on 'THE PANOPTICON' every Friday! Meow.