ANTI-HERO, finished. And looks like we may have a mixer after all…
BC: “How are your emotions today?”
Howard: “Have you ever tried recording you?”
Once we’d cleared all ANTI-HERO work: background harmonies in chorus, a counter-synth line too, Shredder and I went to focus on MONUMENTS issues while Howard dusted off the last of the vocal comps.
As of tonight, those surmountables include: a new, uplifting harmony in chorus, and the continuance of ‘how do we make the Bowie-part sound more interesting?’ conversation. Beyond that, not much else we figure. And yippie to that! Because I never want to argue with Howard about MONUMENTS again, ever, as long as I live, so help me God, the God who also made Howard and in His infinite wisdom decided that he, Howard, not He, God, should be tortured by me so that he, Howard could in turn torture Jeff.
Oh, and one other thing. In looking for the right keyboard (is there ever one?) I pulled out a Roland SH-1000; or for you discerners, the Cars keyboard; as featured on some of their hits like “Just What I Needed.” Why is this relevant? Because I once had the opportunity to play the real thing, which at that time was residing with Mr. Ocasek of said Cars; the keyboard belonging to Mr. Hawkes, whom I also met then too while working with Ric. Just a little story from my back pages…