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This is Rusty, aka "Big Russ" who lived out of a dumpster at a big box retail store for a month when he was a tiny kitten. One fateful day I came out with cat food for the rest of my herd to find a guy from animal control trying to coax him out from under my car. I cracked open a can of food and he came right out...but I didn't turn him over to animal control, as you can see.


FROM MR.THOM: Sleeping in a dumpter (aka GIANT BOX) next to BOX KINGDOM sounds pretty fun. Going to nap right now and dream about boxes. Meow


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and a little bio of your rescue animals to and we will select one special rescued animal to post on 'THE PANOPTICON' every Friday! Meow.

Oh and follow us on twitter. meow @mrthomandsammi

Mr.Thom + Sammi xo

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